
Does CBD Oil Expire?

A commonly asked question by individuals that use CBD is how long the product lasts after being opened. In general, most CBD products have a lifespan of 14 to 24 months after being opened. With that being said, it is still important to read the label of your product to see what the lifespan of the specific product is. Every product is different. The specific ingredients, the extraction process, packaging, quality, and how it is stored can affect the lifespan greatly.

Signs CBD is Expired

It smells funky

It is thicker 

It tastes bad

What happens If You Take Expired CBD Oil?

If you have noticed that your CBD is no longer good, do not use it, ingest it, or apply it topically. The use of expired CBD can make you ill if it is the worst case. Commonly, if you use expired CBD, not much will happen. Over time, the cannabinoids in the CBD start to degrade and lose their potency. Even though it is not likely that something bad will happen, we recommend not using any type of expired CBD.

Does CBD Oil Need To Be Refrigerated?

It is not mandatory to store CBD products like CBD oil in a refrigerator. It may be a good idea to refrigerate your CBD at a controlled temperature. Refrigerating your CBD oil has the capabilities to help extend the CBD product's life span. If you buy your CBD oil in bulk, it is a wise idea to store your entire product in a refrigerated space. 

Best Methods of Storing CBD

Here are some recommended methods for storing your CBD products.

Keep CBD in original packaging

Prevent unnecessary exposure to air

Store CBD at room temperature

StoreCBD oil in a dark place

Use a clean oil dropper or utensil for using the product

Close bottles and packaging securely

Why Is Organic CBD Important?

Using organic CBD will greatly reduce exposure to toxins, preservatives, and additives. This can help ensure that you are not ingesting or using any harmful products. USDA Approved Organic products such as USDA Approved Organic CBD are kind to the environment. By ingesting non-organic products, you are likely to expose yourself to harmful toxins. Chemicals and genetically modified substances are used when growing non-organic CBD. The use of these chemicals and genetically modified substances can extract natural, and essential nutrients from the soil.

Contact Ancient Antidotes

Consumers are choosing to treat mental illnesses and conditions from a natural approach. CBD is a long-lasting substance that you can buy in bulk. If you are looking to find an Organic CBD that lasts a long time and fulfills your needs, contact Ancient Antidotes today. 

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The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Must be 18 or older to purchase these products.